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6 Helpful E-Cargo Bike Market Stats and Insights in 2023

According to Market Research Future the market size for Electric Cargo Bikes reached $1.7 billion in the year 2022, is poised to expand of $2.04 billion by 2023, and $6.0914 billion by 2030.

This growth trajectory reflects an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.00% throughout the forecast span spanning from 2023 to 2030.

6 things you need to know cargo bike market in 2023:

  1. Reasons for Market to Grow
  2. Last-mile Delivery and E-commerce Trend
  3. Choosing Your Wheels and Battery Types Area
  4. Challenges for E-cargo Bikes
  5. Regions Insights
  6. Technological Innovations and Battery Efficiency

Reasons for Market to Grow

The e-cargo bike market has grown due to environmental concerns, urban efficiency, government support, battery tech improvements, cost-effectiveness, e-commerce demand, sustainability appeal, health trends, innovation, brand enhancement, and collaborations.

Also, the e-cargo bike market experienced a surge due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The rise in online shopping during lockdowns has projected higher demand for electric cargo bikes.

This growth is mainly attributed to expanded e-cargo bike usage in sectors like food delivery, retail shopping, grocery distribution, and the final leg of e-commerce deliveries.

Last-mile Delivery and E-commerce Area Trend

In 2016, a study highlighted the potential of transitioning approximately 51% of motorized freight journeys in urban environments from cars to bicycles or cargo bikes.

This shift was attributed to both commercial and personal logistics, with around one-third of these trips being associated with commercial transport and the remaining two-thirds linked to personal needs.


Fast-forward to 2022, as suggested by a study: up to 91% of Paris freight transportation and delivery could be efficiently managed through electric cargo bikes.

This revelation aligned with the ongoing trend seen in the delivery and e-commerce sectors, where major players like DHL, UPS, and Amazon increasingly integrated cargo bikes into their operations.

DHL, for instance, recognized the potential of cargo bikes early on and established a diverse fleet of 2-wheel, 3-wheel, and 4-wheel cargo bikes.

By 2021, DHL’s German division boasted around 8,000 e-bikes and 9,000 e-trikes in active service. This commitment to eco-friendly alternatives didn’t stop there, as DHL set ambitious goals to further enhance their green fleet, with plans to acquire an additional 5,000 e-trikes by 2025.

Their efforts weren’t solely confined to Germany; DHL extended their cargo bike implementation to numerous urban centers across Europe, aiming to alleviate traffic congestion and reduce carbon emissions.

In July 2022, Amazon revealed its inaugural fleet of electric cargo bikes, set to navigate the busy roads of London.

Prominent market participants are directing their efforts toward introducing new products to enrich their range. For example, in January 2023, Toyota unveiled its inaugural electric cargo bike, initially accessible solely within France.

In 2023, the trend persisted, with the Eurobike show showcasing a dedicated cargo bike section that gathered approximately 60 participants. The exhibitors represented a spectrum of the industry, ranging from suppliers of accessories to manufacturers of four-wheeled vans.

This inclusive range catered not only to family-oriented vehicles but also offered solutions tailored to corporate fleets. As the years progressed, the transition from conventional vehicles to cargo bikes continued to gain momentum, revealing a persistent commitment to sustainable and efficient transportation solutions.

Choosing Your Wheels and Battery Types Area

Cargo bicycles are designed to carry heavier loads than traditional bicycles and are often used for transporting goods, children, or equipment. There are two-wheeler, three-wheeler and four-wheeler cargo bikes presented on the market.

Three-wheeler cargo bike are expected to take the 45.9% of the market by 2033.

Anticipated between 2023 and 2032, the market for four-wheeled cargo bikes is projected to experience a growth of around 10.4%.

Cargo Bike TypeMaximum Payload RangeApplicationsAdvantagesChallenges
Two-Wheeleraround 100 kg *Urban deliveries, courier services, food delivery, small-scale freight transportAgile, easy traffic navigation, compact storageLimited payload, balancing heavy loads at low speeds or sudden stops
Three-WheelerAround 200 kg *Local deliveries, medium-sized freight transport, mobile vending, larger goods transportEnhanced stability, better weight distributionLarger size, wider turning radius, potentially more storage and parking space required
Four-WheelerAround 300 kg *Large-scale deliveries, industrial transport, waste collection, event setupHighest payload capacity, exceptional stabilityLimited maneuverability, larger size and weight, higher initial cost

* As there is no strict classification for e-cargo bike payload we take these numbers as an average example. It may vary from brand to brand, etc.

The e-cargo bike market employs various battery types, including lithium-ion and lead-acid. Among these, the predominant segment is lithium-ion batteries.

The growing prominence of lithium-ion batteries in e-bikes results from their advanced technology, extended range capabilities, prolonged battery life, and fast charging attributes.

Challenges for E-cargo Bikes

E-cargo bikes offer eco-friendly urban mobility, but hurdles remain. Key challenges include inadequate charging and infrastructure and regulatory approvals.

Challenges of adoption cargo bikes on the example of the US.

One of the major obstacles is inadequate infrastructure, including the absence of protected bike lanes, which hinders their efficient use. Limited charging stations: existing charging points aren’t designed for larger e-cargo bikes, hampering convenient charging.

Other point is lack of “microhubs” for consolidating vehicles and parcels, coupled with challenges related to charging and storage, further contribute to the slow adoption of cargo bikes.

Don’t forget about legal barriers, such as width restrictions for cargo trikes in certain areas, present additional challenges to their widespread adoption.

Determining appropriate insurance policies and liability frameworks for e-cargo bikes can be intricate. Balancing the interests of manufacturers, riders, and pedestrians in case of accidents is a critical aspect of regulatory approval.

E-cargo bikes often need dedicated parking and loading zones due to their size and intended purpose. As to avoid fines for illegal parking.

In contrast, European cities have successfully embraced cargo bikes due in part to access restrictions and regulations that prioritize sustainable alternatives, alongside limitations on motor vehicle usage.

Regions Insights

Europe Electric Cargo Bike Opportunity:

Europe dominated with a 46.5% market share in 2021 and will lead in revenue throughout.

Government efforts and cargo bike makers drive adoption in commercial and private sectors.

Germany expected to hold over 40% of Europe’s electric cargo bike market till 2033.

The provided market statistics for 2022 reveal that electric bicycles accounted for nearly half of all bicycle sales in Germany, representing 48% of the total.

Rising Demand for Electric Cargo Bikes in the United States:

The USA recognized as a major market with high demand prospects.

Anticipated 9.5% CAGR demand growth in the USA during the forecast period.

South Asia & Pacific region’s market:

Asia Pacific follows, with a projected 22.7% CAGR. Countries like Japan, China, and Singapore push bike infrastructure, boosted by IoT and 5G for diverse services.

Australia & New Zealand expected to dominate South Asia & Pacific region’s market (over 70%).

Local manufacturers benefit from research access, production expansion, and strong product pipelines.

Technological Innovations and Battery Efficiency

Technology drives the e-cargo bike market, with batteries as a critical focus. Better batteries improve range, efficiency, and user experience.

Swappable batteries are a breakthrough. They solve charging and range issues by letting e-cargo bikes quickly exchange depleted batteries for charged ones. This transforms long-distance deliveries and boosts e-cargo bike use across sectors.

Regenerative braking, like in electric cars, is entering e-cargo bikes. It captures braking energy, stores it as electricity, and extends the bike’s range. This boosts efficiency and highlights how car tech benefits cargo bikes too.

Smart charging is a game-changer. Using data and communication, it optimizes charging schedules based on usage patterns, prices, and grid demand. Charging during off-peak hours and renewable energy abundance makes e-cargo bikes greener and cost-effective.

Incorporating these technologies into e-cargo bikes enhances their usability and convenience, ultimately attracting more businesses and individuals to adopt this sustainable mode of transportation.

In conclusion, the e-cargo bike market’s impressive growth is fueled by environmental concerns, urban efficiency, and the COVID-19 online shopping surge.

Major players like DHL and Amazon have integrated e-cargo bikes into their fleets, aligning with the trend towards sustainable transport.

These bikes come in various types, from two-wheelers to four-wheelers, offering diverse advantages. Lithium-ion batteries dominate due to their extended range and fast charging.

Challenges like infrastructure and regulations are being tackled. As the market expands, it not only enhances urban mobility but also presents a greener future for transportation.

Final Thoughts

In essence, the electric cargo bike market thrives on eco-consciousness, urban efficiency, and the e-commerce boost.

Industry leaders like DHL and Amazon embrace these bikes for sustainability. Diverse types and advanced batteries address infrastructure challenges.

Innovations like swappable batteries herald a greener future for last-mile delivery and urban mobility.

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Picture of Bluen Lee

Bluen Lee

Hello, I'm Bluen, I have over 25 years in the battery industry.
Throughout my career, I've developed a deep understanding of the battery market and kept up with the latest trends in R&D.
I'm excited to share my insights and knowledge with you through my blog.


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